
To get the best our of your stay in Auckl和, we've put together some h和y hints 和 tips to take of advantage of.  Time, money 和 convenience are all offered with our top tips.  


不要不带行李就离开. 的 tropical climate means you could encounter rain even when the day starts off nice 和 sunny!

奥克兰纪念博物馆 10点才开门.00am.  See a traditional Maori Culture Performance (run 3 times a day) show for just $35 in the museum.

机场穿梭巴士 will cost you far less than a taxi 和 will get you door to door from the airport.  的 length of the journey will depend on the number of other passengers sharing the minivan.  However, a couple can save up to 50% with fares around $45 for two versus $80 for a taxi.

红色的“城市线路”巴士 offers a free hop on hop off service around the city centre every 10 minutes from 8.上午10点至6点.每天下午10点.

奥克兰的许多酒吧都有“快乐时光” 从4.晚上7点到7点.00pm.

德文波特 is a 12 minute ferry from Auckl和 和 runs on a regular basis.  维多利亚山 offers stunning views of the Auckl和 skyline. 试试爱国者酒吧的炸鱼薯条吧.

渡船去 Rangitoto岛 每天只跑2-3次. 最后一班返程的渡轮是4点.下午10点-不要错过!

在新西兰,你只能 公园 in the direction of traffic flow on your side of the road.  You can be fined or towed away for 公园ing on the opposite side of the street that you are driving along (unless it’s a one way street).

免费无线 hot spots in the city with many cafes also offering free Wi-Fi.   Often cafes give a free one hour wireless voucher with each coffee while libraries provide free internet access.

你可以购买 AT HOP卡 to travel on buses, trains 和 ferries all on the one card.  Using an AT HOP card is cheaper 和 faster than cash fares.  It's best to buy a ticket before you board or, tag on with your AT HOP card for your travel.  你可以购买 AT HOP卡在线, from lots of 零售商 穿过城市, ticket 和 top-up machines across Auckl和 including the AT Customer Service Centre 和 Pier 1 at the Downtown Ferry Terminal.  

鱼市场 -每周四(5)欣赏爵士乐队.00pm-9.00pm) along with a tasty wine at the fish market.  Located at number 22 Jellicoe Street near the Viaduct basin.

风景优美的驾驶 - Make good use of Auckl和's location on four great driving trails: 的rmal Explorer; Pacific Coast Highway; Great New Zeal和; 和 Twin Coast Discovery Touring Routes.

餐厅 -家庭餐厅 Wynyard季度 是你最好的选择吗?.  For dining combined with a night out, head to 高架桥港口. For popular dining spots that the locals head to try 帕内尔Ponsonby.

夜生活 - - - Britomart in the downtown area has some of the coolest bars 和 restaurants. 的 高架桥港口 has the established bars 和 restaurants that are popular with tourists. Ponsonby is a favourite spot with locals while K-Road situated off the top of 皇后大街 是理想的寻找 夜生活 再多一点“锋芒”.

海滩 - - - 北岸 并进一步 奥克兰北部 offer some of the best s和y beaches including Orewa,而 西奥克兰 features the dark volcanic 和 surfing favourites of 大浪Muriwai.